Monday, October 24, 2016

Elder Sorenson - October 22, 2016

Hi Everyone!

This week seems like it flew by! I can't believe next Wednesday will be my half way point for my mission in the MTC, it is incredible. The work is incredibly tough and the Spanish gets harder and harder, but I will get there. This week was basically the same as the last few. We wake up, study, eat, study, eat, study, exercise, study, eat and study. I know it will be different as soon as I am out but the consistency is on point.

The only saving grace, at least for me, is singing in the choir. I got my entire district to do it with me and at first, they were very hesitant but after the first concert, they bother me and always make sure to remind me when choir is.. haha. My favorite Elder, Elder Hirschi, says he is tone deaf but he came and I don't think I have heard someone scream so loud while singing. The funniest part is that he actually is tone deaf so I can hardly sing because he makes me laugh so hard. 

On Sunday, my companion and I got asked to teach a lesson in Priesthood on Repentance. It went very well and our Mission President in our zone sat in our lesson and pulled me to the side and said that it was the best lesson and most interesting perspective he has ever heard. Later that day, we had a devotional by this huge Samoan guy and he was hilarious. He shared so many stories and kept us very interested, so it was great.

On Monday, it was another normal day where I just studied and ate.. haha but the brightside is that I got a package from my Mother! It made my whole day and I am slowly eating the snacks because they are very valuable to me haha!  Then that night, we just talked in the dorms and I met this hilarious guy that is going to Tahiti speaking French and Tahitian. He is here for 9 weeks. After talking to him, someone was singing Run To You, by Penatonix, in the hallway so I went out there and they needed a bass and so I got to sing with them!! They were so shocked that I could sing low and actually sound good haha.  It turns out that one of the kids I was singing with, ended up knowing me. He was in All State with me and his last name is Sorensen. His cousin is Joseph Sorensen, who was Section Leader and him and I were really close! So it was cool talking to him about choir! 

Tuesday was a normal day but I got to see Shirley and Paul! It was so great seeing them! Thank you for the Spanish Scriptures Grandpa! I can't wait until I can understand what it actually says hahahaha!

On Wednesday, it marked two weeks of me being on my mission. It was pretty great greeting all the new missionaries in Spanish and watching them freak out haha.. I would say, "Bienvenidos CCM!" which means "Welcome to the MTC!" They would just look at me so weird. haha

Yesterday was my favorite day because it was Friday and it was so nice to kind of relax, but the reason it was so great was that I went on and searched "Mormon Tabernacle Choir" and a bunch of songs came up! I loved it! There were also songs by the King Singers and a bunch of other choirs. I knew quite a bit of the songs and just sang to all of them. It was great!! 

Overall, it was a good week and I can't wait for what is to come!

Te quiero mucho!

    Elder Sorenson

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